En el recorrido por los pueblos de la sierra de Ecuador se pueden encontrar diversas construcciones tradicionales, muchas que se continúan usando y otras vacías pero que aún siguen en pie. La aparición del bloque de hormigón como sistema constructivo desplazó el uso de las fibras vegetales y la metodología constructiva popular, que aunque resulta menos eficiente el bloque de hormigón en cuanto a la adaptación al clima de la sierra se adoptó por su sistematización.
En una visita realizada al interior de una vivienda sin uso, se puden identificar las diferentes fibras utilizadas en su construcción. Las fibras naturales como la caña brava, cuerdas de coco, paja, madera de eucalipto (utilizada directamente en las estructuras de cubierta o para mobiliario), los tejidos de hoja de palma y cabuya, etc. están presentes en la construcción de toda la vivienda.
Travel through the towns of the sierra of Ecuador you can find several traditional buildings, many who continue using and other empty but that are still standing. The appearance of the block of concrete as a construction system displaced the use of vegetable fibers and the popular construction methodology, although it is less efficient concrete block in terms of adaptation to the climate of the sierra was adopted by its systematization. In a visit to the interior of a house without use, it can identify the different fibers used in its construction. Natural fibres as the cane, ropes of straw, coconut, palm and sisal leaf weaves, eucalyptus wood (used directly in the roof structures or furniture), etc. are present in the construction of the home.
Travel through the towns of the sierra of Ecuador you can find several traditional buildings, many who continue using and other empty but that are still standing. The appearance of the block of concrete as a construction system displaced the use of vegetable fibers and the popular construction methodology, although it is less efficient concrete block in terms of adaptation to the climate of the sierra was adopted by its systematization. In a visit to the interior of a house without use, it can identify the different fibers used in its construction. Natural fibres as the cane, ropes of straw, coconut, palm and sisal leaf weaves, eucalyptus wood (used directly in the roof structures or furniture), etc. are present in the construction of the home.
Saludos desde Ambato Ecuador , felicitaciones por tu trabajo en fibras. Pregunto si tienes publicado tu trabajo de sitios sagrados en Ecuador?